High-quality cathodoluminescence intensity mapping

Use the power of the SPARC Compact CL detector to understand the structural composition and luminescence properties of your material at the nanoscale. Gain valuable insights into processes such as crystal growth zonation in geological samples or defect structures in semiconductor samples, all with exceptionally high spatial resolution.

Advantages of SPARC Compact

list-arrow Large area micro- and nanoscale analysis

list-arrow Efficient and user-friendly workflow

list-arrow Future-proof and easily upgradeable


Rapid large-area screening

Quickly screen large areas of your sample and capture point-by-point panchromatic and monochromatic color-filtered images. Additionally, you can combine various monochromatic images for both RGB filtering and filtering with up to 7 customizable color filters. After acquisition, you can easily visualize the (RGB) intensity data overlaid with the SEM image to perform quick and insightful data analysis.


Efficient CL intensity collection

SPARC Compact is a user-friendly, high-end cathodoluminescence intensity detector with color-filtering capabilities. Rapidly inspect large areas using its fast PMT detector and capture high-quality CL intensity data using the sensitive parabolic mirror collection optic.


Retrofit to your SEM

SPARC Compact can be easily retrofitted into your SEM and is compatible with SEMs from all the major brands. Enhance your material analysis by combining CL imaging with other SEM detection modalities such as BSE and EDS, facilitated by the retractable mirror stage of the SPARC Compact. 

Imaging modes

Configured for CL intensity detection


Fast-intensity imaging

list-check--neutral-dark The fastest and simplest method to obtain CL contrast

list-check--neutral-dark Fast scanning of large sample areas with high resolution

list-check--neutral-dark Identify regions of interest for more in-depth CL studies

Learn more


Imaging with SPARC Compact



Large area CL intensity map. Image courtesy of Dr. Cameron Davidson (Carleton College).


Hyperspectral CL maps. Sample courtesy of Beijing Geonalysis Co Ltd.


RGB CL Intensity map. Scalebar: 25 μm. Image courtesy of Dr. Cameron Davidson (Carleton College).


Panchromatic CL intensity maps. Sample courtesy of Dr. Chen Zhenyu (Chinese Academy of Geological Sciences, Beijing).

Interested to learn more on CL imaging for zircons?
Interested to learn more on CL imaging for zircons?
Interested to learn more on CL imaging for zircons?
Interested to learn more on CL imaging for zircons?


Reach out to our team of specialists to find out how our solutions can help you advance your research towards a next breakthrough.


Trusted by researchers in the field


"The images have exceeded our expectations and the acquisition time is remarkably fast compared to CL systems I have used in the past. The large area mapping and stitching capabilities of the Delmic software is phenomenal."

Prof. Cameron Davidson Department of Geology, Carleton College

Read full story

"With SPARC Compact system we did several hundred CL measurements per week and really managed to develop methods for quick analysis of the data."

Dr. David Lindgren Sol Voltaics

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Supporting the field

Company Logo - SOL Voltaics
Company Logo - CGS
Company Logo - Carleton
Company Logo - UNRN
Company Logo - Utrecht University
Company Logo - SUSTech
Company Logo - University of Melbourne
Company Logo - SOL Voltaics
Company Logo - CGS
Company Logo - Carleton
Company Logo - UNRN
Company Logo - Utrecht University
Company Logo - SUSTech
Company Logo - University of Melbourne

Application areas

What can SPARC Compact do for you?




Specifications sheet

Gain nanoscale insights into your materials

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SparcCompact_201607 thumbnail_RES

Technical note Modularity

Optical Modules in the SPARC Cathodoluminescence System

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Technical note Intensity mapping

Learn about the possibilities of cathodoluminescence intensity imaging mode

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Image Thumbnail White Paper CL Quartz SandstonesRES_380x215

Whitepaper Geology

Cathodoluminescence Imaging on Sedimentary Rocks: Quartz Sandstones

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Blog Zircons

How does Zircon Recrystallization Influence U-Pb Dating?

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