Integrated correlative light and electron microscopy

Seamlessly switch between fluorescence and electron imaging with the SECOM, a high-end optical microscope for integrated correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM). Eliminate the need to shuttle a sample between two systems and perform lengthy correlations between light and electron microscopy images. Speed up and simplify your CLEM workflow with the integration of two imaging modalities in a single device.

Advantages of SECOM

list-arrow Simplified CLEM workflow

list-arrow Seamless switch between modalities

list-arrow High-quality optics

list-arrow Easy integration


Perform high-quality correlative microscopy

Perform correlative microscopy extremely fast without compromising either optical or electron performance. The SECOM comes with the highest optical quality and automated high-accuracy overlay. The use of fiducials is not required, ensuring versatility, efficient measurements, and minimal impact on your sample. 


Easy integration

The SECOM is a fully equipped high-end optical microscope that can easily be integrated into an existing CLEM workflow and installed as a retrofit to your SEM. The SECOM platform is accompanied by ODEMIS, a powerful open-source acquisition software, which helps you analyze the overlaid image and draw significant scientific conclusions. 


Imaging with SECOM


Cancer research

Localization of the lipid diacylglycerol within cellular membranes of HeLa cell expressing GFP-C1. Sample courtesy of C.J. Peddie & L.M. Collinson (2014)

Marine microbiology

Fluorescence image of marine microbes. Sample courtesy of S. Littman


Widefield fluorescence image of Tupan-virus containing cells. Sample courtesy of J.P. Baudoin (AP-HM)


Projection neurons in songbird brain. Overlay of fluorescence and electron images with the injected tracer clearly visible. Sample courtesy of Thomas Templier (ETH Zurich)


Widefield (left) and superresolution (right) images localizing YFP-A3 in HeLa cells. Sample courtesy C.J. Peddie (Francis Crick Institute)

Type 1 diabetes

Rat pancreas data captured using the EM and SECOM system. Sample courtesy: B.N.G. Giepmans & P. de Boer, UMCG.

Cell biology

Dolichospermum and Aphanizomenon together with dinoflagellates and a diatom from the Baltic Sea. Sample courtesy of Sten Littman (MPI Bremen)

Interested to learn more about integrated superresolution CLEM?
Interested to learn more on CLEM imaging for marine microbiology?
Interested to learn more on CLEM imaging for virology?
Interested to learn more on CLEM for neuorscience?
Interested to learn more about integrated superresolution CLEM?
Interested to learn how SECOM advances research on type 1 diabetes?
Interested to learn more on CLEM imaging for marine microbiology?


Explore your options

Reach out to our team of specialists to find out how METEOR can help you improve your cryo-electron tomography workflow.


Trusted by researchers in the field


“The precise overlay of SECOM is particularly important when there is no prior knowledge of fluorophore localization because it removes operator bias in the alignment process.”

Dr. Lucy M. Collinson Francis Crick Institute

Read full story

“It gives us the possibility to identify different types of bacteria in environmental samples by the hybridization of these cells with specific HRP probes, after which we image them with the SEM and perform elemental analysis, including elemental analysis with EDX.”

Dr. Sten Littman Max Planck Institute for Marine Microbiology

Read full story

Supporting the field

Company Logo - UMCG
Company Logo - Francis Crick Institute
Company Logo - KU Leuven
Company Logo - ETH Zurich
Company Logo - Marine Microbiology
Company Logo - VIB-KU Leuven
Company Logo - TU Delft
Company Logo - UTS
Company Logo - Goteborgs University



Brochure SECOM Widefield

Ultrastructure and fluorescence imaging in one CLEM system

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Brochure SECOM Superresolution

The integrated super-resolution CLEM system

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Image Thumbnail Technical note CLEM Automated OverlayRES_380x215

Technical note Automated overlay

Learn how accurate and unbiased overlay is achieved in SECOM

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Whitepaper Sample preparation

Sample Preparation for Correlative Light and Electron Microscopy

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Application note Cellular biology

Cellular Biology: In-resin Fluorescence Using GFP and mCherry

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2021_Integrated Superresolution CLEM_Webinars_ResourceLib_380x215

Webinar SECOM Superresolution

Superresolution correlative microscopy

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